Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Train Workers Strike???

Yeah, apparently transportation workers strike here on a not so irregular basis, so today’s trip to Parma was cancelled due to lack of interest from the train conductors.  After our disappointing walk to the train station we returned to the hotel and asked at the desk for other suggestions for sites to see within bus distance.  The winner was the little town of Lerici around the south side of the La Spezia bay.  According to our quick internet search prior to hopping on the bus, this is a town often ignored by tourists.  Lerici and San Terenzo are both beautiful beach resorts within a stone’s throw of each other.  Lerici has a huge castle at the top of a most impressive climb which has been turned into a museum.  (Guess which museum was closed for repairs?).  Still the view from the castle grounds of the beaches and across the bay to La Spezia and Portovenere were spectacular.  We walked the markets and shops in Lerici and then walked to San Terenzo along the beaches.  San Terenzo also had an impressive castle but fool me once only.  We decided to have lunch in one of the beach side restaurants called “Straluna.”  We had an appetizer of cheese and a truffle sauce followed by an almond and fish lasagna for Angel and  fish ravioli with shrimp and calamari for Carlos.  This was another excellent meal.  After a short walk of the markets and beach walk we decided to head back to the hotel.

Castle in Lerici

Harbor in Lerici

Harbor in Lerici with castle in background

This one is just right

Many people enjoying the sun in San Terenzo

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