Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011 Cannes

Today we went to the Cannes Film Festival.  It was literally an ocean of humanity.  We saw no stars but took a lot of pictures.  Let me back up by saying that we decided to stay in Monaco because the Marriott fully booked in Nice and Cannes and we wanted to ensure that we would find English speaking attendants since Carlos can’t remember much of his French.  Well, that really turned out to be a blessing.  When we boarded the Train we were boarding empty train cars, but once we reached Nice the cars were flooded by tourist and paparazzi that were hoping to catch a sight of some movie star.  Now let me tell you what was more fascinating.  The quantity of luxury and sports cars was amazing (Kendall you would have loved this.) 

    The police were dressed and ready for (it looked like football to me) battle.  Their shin guards and shoulder pads were interesting. 

    For lunch we stopped at a restaurant called Au Martin Pecheur.  Carlos got salmon served on pasta with a buerre blanc sauce and Angel got beef carpaccio salad, both was outstanding (ok Donna maybe not as good as your roast beef but a close second).   Later that afternoon we went to a bakery and purchased a few pastries that melted in your mouth.

    When we returned to Monte Carlo we decided to walk around the harbor, the yachts were huge!!  They also set up for the Grand Prix.  We were told it took 6 weeks to set up the city for the race and another 4 weeks to break it back down.  While taking pictures of the harbor and the race track set up we decided to eat at a restaurant that is located at the west end hair pin turn, called the Restaurant Quai Des Artistes.  Angel had the Caprese Salad that was again different than any other caprese sald in that the tomatoes appeared to be sliced on a meat slicer, paper thin and perfect along with some tomatoes that were cut only in half but had the skin removed.  Carlos had an artichoke salad in which some of the artichokes were pickled others were boiled and finally others were roasted.  Angel’s main course was a Seafood risotto that had three types of scallops, clams, mussels, crawfish and calamari.  Carlos had a veal and beef ravioli, the entire meal was outstanding.

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