Friday, May 13, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011 Our Last Day in Venice

Sorry there was no post yesterday, the web was having technical difficulties.
Today we were up bright and early, our last day in Venice.   We were able to take a picture of the garbage barge (only in Venice would you get excited about a garbage truck).  We had a leisurely breakfast by the train station and mailed a few post cards.

We rode the train back to La Spezia, which was pretty uneventful.  The only interesting part of the train ride was Carlos trying to get off the train two stops early.  That would have made for one long walk to the hotel.
Once back in La Spezia we decided to go have some wine so we went to one of the places recommended by Tom.    (Tom the partial picture was more than enough to find “Caffe del Bastione.” ) The bartender was very knowledgeable and served us some local wine that was outstanding.   After we finished our wine we went to check out the grocery store and then headed back to the hotel.  As we were making our way through the lobby we both noticed a small coupe with extraordinary lines.  It was a Peugeot that was about 8 years old.  The owner was very proud of his car and rightly so.   This particular vehicle had been designed by a man that had provided designs to Ferrari. 

We met Milt and Trudy for dinner and they recommend a very good restaurant where we ordered the special which was ravioli stuffed with spinach with a pistachio cream sauce.   It was outstanding.
Friday should prove to be a little more exciting since we will be boarding the train to Monaco in the afternoon.

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